Access/ Maintain Employment for Disabled

Access/ Maintain Employment for disabled in Adelaide

ACCESS/ MAINTAIN EMPLOYMENT for disabledLifecare Options provides Access/ Maintain Employment for disabled in Adelaide, based upon their requirements and circumstances. We aim to help disabled people in finding and keeping jobs, getting promoted to better jobs and upgrading their skills. Our employment experts help the participants in acquiring the basic mandatory skills required for work environment and enhancing their skills. These skills include communication, organizational skills, team engagement etc. These important skills serve as a base for them once they start working and help them in their careers and makes them more confident and suitable for jobs. .

In case you are unable to access a Disability Employment Services (DES), we will be happy assist you with your requirement.

Our Access/ Maintain Employment for disabled services include:

  • Identifying your skill sets and interests
  • Preparing your resume
  • Build your confidence and skills for the relevant job
  • Help you with appropriate training courses or study
  • Logistics of working (like travel arrangements, timings etc.)
  • Support you even after you start work
  • Making and implementing a career plan

Lifecare Options has a dedicated team for NDIS employment support in Adelaide and our experts work along with our participants to make the best use of their potential.  We offer them suggestions on managing their career, alongside managing their disability. Lifecare Options aims to successfully assist our participants to acquire the employment of their choice and ultimately move into the general employment sector.